How to Get Your Garage Ready For Cold Weather

Summer is coming to an end and it’s important to start thinking about getting your garage ready for cold weather. The colder weather can take a toll on your garage door and parts and making sure you properly prepare will help your garage door last longer and also keep the frigid temps where they belong–outside. [bctt tweet=”Cold weather can wreak havoc on a garage. Is yours ready for winter?” username=”wdlsgaragedoor”]

Cold Weather and Your Garage

There are a number of chores you need to be doing to get your home ready for the winter weather and getting your garage ready is one of them. Here are five tips that will help you winterize your garage.

  1. Swap Out Tools
  2. Insulate Pipes
  3. Drain Fuel
  4. Replace Weather Stripping
  5. Insulate the Garage

1) Swap Out Tools

Now is the perfect time to take inventory of what’s in your garage and assess what you will be using throughout the colder months. Get organized and put away your summer-time and warm weather tools and pull out the ones you will use through the winter.

2) Insulate Pipes

If you have any pipes coming in and through your garage, make sure you properly insulate them to prevent them from freezing (or possibly bursting). Doing it now will keep from doing it shivering in the cold later on.

3) Drain the Fuel

It’s important to drain the fuel from your lawn mower, or any other lawn equipment you won’t be using during the winter months. Not only will drain these fluids help keep your lawn equipment in tip-top shape, but it will also help prevent accidental fires.

4) Replace Weather Stripping

Replacing your weather stripping should be a top priority for protecting your home from harsh weather. Weather stripping keeps dirt and debris outside, and can conserve energy by keeping cold air out. In an attached garage this can have a huge impact on your energy bill. Weatherstripping becomes cracked and brittle over time, so make sure to check or replace it yearly.

5) Insulate the Garage

If you spend a lot of time in your garage, it might be best to insulate the garage and garage door to help keep the cold air out. Insulating your garage ensures your garage will not let the cold air in, making sure you don’t freeze while working or hanging out in your garage workshop or man-cave.

Get Your Garage Ready for Cold Weather

There are numerous benefits to get your garage ready for cold weather. Not only does it afford a more comfortable climate to be in, but it helps keep your utility bills down, helps your garage door and parts last longer, and will save you money in the long run. If you need assistance with weatherstripping or insulation, it is best to contact your professional garage door service for assistance.

Contact us to learn more about how to get your garage ready for cold weather.

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