What Homeowners Should Know About Garage Door Springs

Functioning springs are essential to your garage door performance. Broken garage door springs are dangerous and need to be immediately repaired by a professional. It’s important to know how your door system works in order to maintain a working garage door and prevent damages.

[bctt tweet=”Attention new homeowners! Are your garage doors running smoothly? Here’s what every woodlands homeowner needs to know about garage door springs.” username=”wdlsgaragedoor”]

Your garage door will either be running smoothly, or it won’t. A garage door that’s struggling to open and close means it’s time to take a look at your springs and resolve the issue.

Types of Springs and How They Work

There are two types of garage door springs; torsion and extension. Torsion springs run parallel to the length of the door, working in a coiling and uncoiling motion. Extension springs run perpendicular to the length of the door and work to lift or drop the door by stretching and contracting. You’ll notice that extension springs need replacing when they look loose. Other signs of wear and tear include the door opening slowly or hanging askew.

How Springs Become Damaged

The average garage door springs last for about 10,000 cycles. The average spring life is 7-9 years but in some cases, with the garage door being used much more frequently they may only last 4-6 years. Be sure to purchase your springs from a reputable company and get a warranty on them, as there should be no reason for them to give out in any less than 4 years. Springs must be re-balanced a couple of years after installing, to ensure they are in the right position.

When to Hire a Professional

A professional is required for replacing broken springs. Your garage door service technician will replace both springs at the same time to keep them lasting longer and keep the door functioning in case one does break again. Garage door spring replacements are affordable and a quick fix when done by a reputable professional.

Pro Tip: Do not try to fix your garage door springs on your own! It is too dangerous to be considered a DIY project.


Keep an eye on your garage door springs and be aware of any damages that can occur. Make sure they are always up-to-date, even if they seem to be working just fine. Join the conversation for more information on our garage door services.

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Don’t wait any longer to fix your garage door! Contact us at The Woodlands Garage Door Service for reliable repairs, installations, and maintenance. We are a team led by the Hodges family, offering excellent service for your home 24/7 when you need it.